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Pediatric Clinical Methods | 6th edition | Meharban Singh

Author: Meharban Singh
SKU: 9789389261752

Original price was: ₹995.00.Current price is: ₹500.00.

Pediatric Clinical Methods 

Excellent Condition
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Includes sections on organization and delivery of neonatal care, care and assessment around birth, neonatal care, disorders of the new-born, drug dosages and normal values in provides practical information on assessment of the new-born, high risk new-born, neonatal resuscitation, follow up of high risk neonates, neonatal ventilation, pulmonary the new-born.

Additional information

Weight 0.690 kg
Dimensions 17 × 1.6 × 23.9 cm
Book Cover/ Bindings




CBS Publishers & Distributors