• Entirely revised and updated with medicolegal cases.
• Essential practical guide to current teaching in Forensic Medicine with particular reference to India.
• Concise, easy-to-grasp and streamlined presentation.
• Profusely illustrated with diagrams, photographs, tables and important points for the better understanding of the students.
• Important topics are dealt in detail to meet the requirements of medical officers such as Forensic Ballistics, Regional Injuries, Anaesthetic and Operative Deaths, DNA Fingerprinting and Blood Stains, etc.
• Every endeavour has been made to preclude the identification of the diseases from the photographs.
• A few new topics, such as procedure to be followed in dealing with medicolegal cases, virtual autopsy have been incorporated.
• Text printed in smaller type is meant for medical officers undertake medicolegal work, medical practitioners, members of the legal profession and other law enforcement officers.
• Must-have for undergraduate medical students, postgraduate students, medical teachers and officers and lawyer.