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Industrial Robotics -Technology, Programming and Applications (SIE) | 2nd Edition

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Industrial Robotics -Technology, Programming and Applications 

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This hallmark text on Industrial Robotics offers an in-depth analysis of fundamentals ofrobotics and industrial applications of robots. It focuses on technology, programmingand applications of industrial robots which helps the readers in transition from classroomand lab environment into the applied and practical world of industry. The objectiveof this Special Indian Edition is to include the latest trends in the field of IndustrialRobotics and enhance the coverage on the subject area. Plenty of real life images anduse of simple language makes this text more useful for the readers.

Additional information

Weight 0.532 kg
Dimensions 15.2 × 2.2 × 22.8 cm

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Book Cover/ Bindings



Mc Graw Hill Education/Exclusively distd . By Jaypee; Indian edition, McGraw Hill Education