
The internationally acclaimed sex researchers William H. Masters, Virginia E. Johnson, and Robert C. Kolodny produce here for the first time for a general audience a comprehensive, warm, and highly readable survey of their most current findings on the remarkable range of complexities–biological, psychological, and social–that make up human sexuality.

With the insight and authority that have made them leaders in this field, Masters, Johnson, and Kolodny suggest that by being well informed about sexual matters, people can better contribute to their own sexual satisfaction. Through the voices of hundreds of people they interviewed, complemented by their own practical advice, they introduce and update the issues that can help sexually active adults of the 1980s enhance their own personal relationships. They explore current research on the nature of love, the meaning of sexual fantasies, and common problems people have in attaining and maintaining intimacy. They also address topics as diverse as sexual burnout, sex education, sexual victimization, and low sexual desire, offering numerous, easy-to-follow suggestions about such anxiety-provoking dilemmas as how to deal with sexual boredom, how to prevent sexually transmitted disease, how to communicate with your lover about sexual matters, what to do if you’re the victim of incest or sexual harassment, how to evaluate a contraceptive’s safety and effectiveness, and how to find a sex therapist.

Best of all, the authors discuss how to use the information in this guide to heighten the quality of your own intimate relations. Finally, they provide fascinating–and sometimes startling–forecasts about trends that will define our sexual attitudes and behavior as we move into the twenty-first century.

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