Mechanics of Flight is an ideal introduction to the principles of flight-The eleventh edition has been completely revised and updated to conform to current teaching practices and technical knowledge. Written in a clear jargon-free style, the book contains simple numerical examples which are suitable for students up to HND level and for first year degree
students. The book commences with a summary of the relevant aspects of mechanics, and goes on to cover topics such as air and airflow, aerofoils, thrust, level flight, gliding, landing, performance, manoeuvres, and stability and control. Important aspects of these topics are illustrated by a description of a trial flight in a light aircraft. The book also
deals with flight at transonic and supersonic speeds, and finally orbital flight and spacecraft.
Key Features :
- A straightforward, practical, approach to the subject based on the application of the basic principles of mechanics.
- Descriptions are aided by the use of numerous illustrations and photographs,
- Numerical questions with answers make it suitable as a course teaching resource.
- Non-numerical questions and answers are included to allow readers to assess their own understanding.
Mechanics of Flight is an excellent text for student pilots, students of aeronautical and aerospace engineering, aircraft engineering apprentices and anyone who is interested in aircraft.
A recommended follow-up book is ‘Aircraft Flight (also published by Pearson Prentice Hall) by R. H. Bamard and D. R. Philpott. The authors have also provided the recent and current revisions of Mechanics of Flight.
R. H. Barnard PhD, CEng, FRAeS; formerly Principal Lecturer in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Hertfordshire.
D. R. Philpott PhD, CEng, MRAES; formerly Principal Aerodynamic Specialist at Raytheon Corporate Jets and Reader in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Hertfordshire.