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Textbook of Immunology | 2nd Edition

SKU: 9789350904749

Original price was: ₹1,055.00.Current price is: ₹425.00.

Textbook of Immunology

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•Presents an updated and complete textbook in all aspects Covers history of immunology, host-microbe relationship and disease process, basic immunology, diagnostic immunology, immune response, immunopathological disorders, immunohematology, immunological tolerance, transplantation immunology, tumor immunology, immunity against bacteria, parasites, viruses, fungi, etc. and other interesting topics such as immunodeficiency states with special reference to HIV, the details of the cytokines in relation to classification, biological functions, cytokine receptors, cytokine antagonists, cytokine-related diseases and prospects, etc. Includes illustrative graphics, colored diagrams, flow charts and tables as and where required to make the text lucid and interesting

Study questions at the end of each chapter-perfect for classroom learning and preparation for tests
Spans the curricula of medical, dental and other allied courses (basic and applied)
Helpful for doctors, researchers, teachers and students.

Additional information

Weight 0.521 kg
Dimensions 16.9 × 1.3 × 23.7 cm
Book Cover/ Bindings





Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers


KC Nathsarma